Crow’s feet are the lines that form around the eyes when we laugh, squint, or smile. Said to resemble the talons of crows, these lines are common and normal among women and men. As we get older, these lines may become more prominent.

What Causes Crow’s Feet?

Crow’s feet are formed due to a lack of collagen in our skin. As we age, our skin loses its natural elasticity. This means that our skin has a more difficult time “bouncing back” to its original state from different movements, such as smiling or squinting our eyes. Over time, the lines around our eyes become deeper, longer-lasting (possibly permanent), and longer. Too much squinting and environmental toxins can also form wrinkles around the eyes.

And although crow’s feet are common, some people would prefer not to have them. Luckily, there are ways to prevent and treat crow’s feet.

How to Prevent Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but there are things you can do to prevent their intensity or keep them from forming entirely. If you don’t have crow’s feet yet but are concerned about them, keep reading to find out what you can do to prevent them.

Use Sunscreen

It’s no secret that excess exposure to the sun can dry out and damage our skin. Skipping wearing SPF may cause premature fine lines and wrinkles. Applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 can block many of the harsh ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Ultimately, wearing sunscreen will prevent crow’s feet because it’ll keep your skin youthful-looking and free of crow’s feet wrinkles.

Accessorize Smartly

If you’re heading outside, skip the direct sun exposure altogether and wear a hat or sunglasses. These accessories will protect your eyes and prevent squinting. The less you squint, the less likely it is that you’ll form crow’s feet.

Apply Moisturizer

This may be a no-brainer, but remember to moisturize your face daily. Taking special care to hydrate the skin around your eyes where crow’s feet form can be a great way to prevent lines from forming. Our WW Eye Cream is formulated with active ingredients, such as vitamin B3, designed to plump wrinkles and fine lines. Using an eye cream is one of the best treatments for crow’s feet because it’s quick and easy. Replenishing dehydrated skin is crucial in keeping any wrinkles at bay.

Eat Healthily

Nourish and hydrate your skin from the inside out. It’s no secret that eating a healthy, balanced diet can fortify the skin, ultimately reducing signs of skin aging. In particular, healthy fats such as salmon, olive oil, and nuts can keep skin plump and wrinkle-free. A nutrient-rich diet has a multitude of benefits, including keeping the skin hydrated, acne-free, and even. Not only will eating healthy help combat crow’s feet, but a healthy diet will give you an overall healthy, even complexion.

How to Treat Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are just as normal as other wrinkles. But if the lines bother you, there are various treatment options to help reduce the severity of crow’s feet around the eyes. You should consult with your doctor or dermatologist if a specific treatment is right for you.


Want an effective goodbye to crow’s feet? Try Botox. Botox is a treatment that weakens the muscle. When used as a cosmetic procedure, Botox can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox is the most effective way to smooth out wrinkles. Doctors can inject a small dose of Botox into the skin around the eyes to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. Botox treatments can last for several months. If you’re serious about getting rid of your crow’s feet, Botox is the optimal choice.

Eye Cream

One of the easiest ways to treat crow’s feet is by maintaining properly moisturized skin. Using a good moisturizer, like the WW Eye Cream, not only prevents lines from forming in the first place, but is also a highly effective treatment. Rub the area around your eyes with a light layer of eye cream. Using your ring finger (the finger that naturally has the lightest touch, a.k.a. you’re not creating more wrinkles), apply the cream daily to see effective results.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to your skin, removing the upper layers. As the older layers of the skin shed, new skin cells emerge, smoothing out crow’s feet wrinkles. It’s important to note that chemical peels can be intense on the skin, requiring a bit of downtime after the procedure. After a chemical peel, you may experience skin flaking, swelling, or redness. After these symptoms subside, you will be left with more supple, smooth skin around your eyes.


Lasering the skin around your eyes may also help minimize crow’s feet. Laser resurfacing removes the top layers of skin, revealing a rejuvenated layer of youthful-looking skin. The heat of the laser on the skin also promotes collagen production. After this treatment, your crow’s feet will disappear.

Gua Sha

For a less invasive treatment, try gua sha. Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine practice in which a smooth-edged tool is used to glide across the face. The benefits of gua sha include reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Before trying a more invasive treatment, it may be worth trying gua sha to reduce the look of crow’s feet.

As you become older, the skin on your face will show signs of aging. If you are self-conscious about the wrinkles around your eyes, talk to your dermatologist about treatments and prevention of crow’s feet.